浏览器中的简单音量增强器 - 增加音量!
chrome 浏览器中最可靠和最简单的声音增强器之一。
如果您的扬声器或耳机无法再现足够的音量以舒适地聆听音乐或观看视频内容 - 将我们的应用程序用作扬声器放大器,将音量设置设置为 500% 以上。
✅ 将声音提升 500% 以上
✅ 简洁明了的设计
✅ 一键提升声音
✅ 正常模式下自动关机
🖥 全屏
Chrome 会阻止您在使用任何处理声音的扩展程序时进入完整的全屏状态,因此您始终可以在标签栏中看到蓝色矩形图标(以了解正在处理音频)。
没有办法绕过它,毕竟这是保证您安全的一件好事。但是,您可以通过按 F11(在 Windows 上)或 Ctr+Cmd+F(在 Mac 上)来稍微改善这种情况。
📖 权限说明
“读取和更改您访问的网站上的所有数据”:能够连接和修改任何播放音频的网站的 AudioContext 并显示所有播放音频的选项卡列表
💛 如果您喜欢我们的扩展,请给我们评分,给 5 颗星!感谢您使用。
Feel sound at the new level and enjoy it with the most powerful volume booster!
Sound Booster - extension that help you to set a desired speaker volume degree for each individual tab in your browser.
If your speakers or headphones don't reproduce sufficient sound volume for comfortable listening to music or watching video content - use our Sound Booster as a speaker amplifier, setting the volume level settings to more than 600%.
Stylish popup Volume Booster with a volume switch with a list of tabs that a now playing audio content. Just regulate the sound in the current web tab through the slider.
✔️ Increase volume up to 600% with sound booster;
✔️ Control the volume of any tab that is playing music or video;
✔️ Dark Theme for the best user experience (ability to change the popup window to a dark mode);
✔️ Switch to any tab that is playing audio with one click;
✔️ Fast volume up and down buttons;
✔️ Stylish popup - simple and clear design Sound Booster extension.
Make a sound from your browser really awesome with this extension. Use the volume booster of it on your favorite websites.
Sound Booster constantly monitors current gain level and pvents samples from clipping, thus reducing all major sound distortions. Volume Booster processes all audio that is being played in browser and boosts it before it gets to the sound card.
Chrome pvents you from going to a complete full-screen when using any extension manipulating with sound.
There's no way to bypass it and after all it's a good thing that keeps you safe. However you can improve the situation a bit by pssing F11 (on Windows) or Ctr+Cmd+F (on Mac).
We will be glad to see your comment for our Sound Booster extension in the section "Reviews". Feel free to share volume booster with your friends in social networks.

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2023-02-21 21:21:18