清除历史记录,缓存和 Cookies for Google™
当您使用浏览器(例如 Chrome)时,浏览器会将网站中的一些信息保存在其缓存和 Cookie 中。清除这些内容可以解决某些问题,例如网站上的加载或格式设置问题。
- 删除浏览记录.
- 清除缓存.
- 删除cookie.
- 清除下载历史.
- 您可以选择要删除的时间。
- 不要从自动填充表单中删除数据。
- 它不会擦除存储在浏览器中的密码。
- 它不会擦除文件系统和本地存储。
- 它不会消除应用程序缓存。
- 不删除加载项数据。
- 不会从WebSQL或IndexedDB中删除数据。
如果您使用的是 Safari、Firefox 或其他浏览器,请查看对应的支持网站以了解相关说明。
This extension can clear or remove:
- Browsing history.
- All cache (select time).
- All cookies.
- All download history.
This extension does not remove:
- No remove autofill form data.
- No clear Stored password.
- No clear local filesystem and storage.
- No clear applications cache.
- No remove plugin data.
- No clear WebSQL and IndexedDB data.
Why use this extension?
1. Enhance system and application performance.
The cache slows down your systems and applications, due to the RAM and memory it acquires. Many a times it is filled with crap information, which probably will not be required by the user in future.
The prime purpose is to improve the performance by reducing the data processing and fetching. With a sizeable amount of cache stored, the speed and performance of machine is hampered.
Enhancing system and application performance is one of the benefits of clearing cache.
2. New updated version of page is fetched.
As discussed earlier, the stored instance of webpage will be loaded. Any changes, in case, made to the webpage will not be reflected due to cache. That’s why the developers always insist on clearing the cache memory to see the changes they have implemented.
Clearing cache will signigfy the browser to fetch the latest version of webpage.
3. Privacy threat mitigated.
The cache can also store private data of some websites eg. Login credentials, mobile numbers, etc. In case of using a public computer, the next user can get access to your sensitive or personal information.
Take the example of Facebook, you have logged-in on a public machine and didn’t logout at end of your session. The person accessing the device next can get access to your Facebook account. This raises a privacy threat.
Also in other instances where you are worried about your privacy, deleting cache is a great option. It reduces the privacy threat for you.
This extension is compatible with Chrome browser under Windows, Mac, Linux and other operating systems.
Other browsers compatible with this tool are Firefox, Safari and Opera.