在 Chrome 中使用新的 Bing。 Bing AI Chrome 版 Bing Unchained
Bing AI For Chrome 或 CoPilot For Chrome 曾经是 Microsoft Edge 独有的,现在正在 Google Chrome 浏览器中掀起波澜,让 Windows、MacOS 和 Linux 上的用户体验其先进功能。 这个新的 Bing AI 通过与 ChatGPT 的集成得到增强,为 Chrome 用户提供交互式和个性化的搜索结果,将标准浏览体验提升到新的高度。
人工智能聊天(称为 Bing Chat)现已扩展到 Edge 之外,可在全球领先的浏览器 Google Chrome 上使用,该浏览器占据 77.03% 的市场份额,具有人工智能生成图像、主题研究和诗歌创作等功能 ,Bing AI 正在改变用户与网络交互的方式,提供满足各种在线活动的工具。
Bing AI For Chrome huò CoPilot For Chrome céngjīng shì Microsoft Edge dú yǒu de, xiànzài zhèngzài Google Chrome liúlǎn qì zhōng xiānqǐ bōlán, ràng Windows,MacOS hé Linux shàng de yònghù tǐyàn qí xiānjìn gōngnéng. Zhège xīn de Bing AI tōngguò yǔ ChatGPT de jíchéng dédào zēngqiáng, wèi Chrome yònghù tígōng jiāohù shì hé gèxìng huà de sōusuǒ jiéguǒ, jiāng biāozhǔn liúlǎn tǐyàn tíshēng dào xīn de gāodù.
Réngōng zhìnéng liáotiān (chēng wèi Bing Chat) xiàn yǐ kuòzhǎn dào Edge zhī wài, kě zài quánqiú lǐngxiān de liúlǎn qì Google Chrome shàng shǐyòng, gāi liúlǎn qì zhànjù 77.03% De shìchǎng fèn'é, jùyǒu réngōng zhìnéng shēngchéng túxiàng, zhǔtí yánjiū hè shīgē chuàngzuò děng gōngnéng,Bing AI zhèngzài gǎibiàn yònghù yǔ wǎngluò jiāohù de fāngshì, tígōng mǎnzú gè zhǒng zàixiàn huódòng de gōngjù.
Bing AI For Chrome or CoPilot For Chrome, once exclusive to Microsoft Edge, is now making waves in the Google Chrome browser, allowing users across Windows, MacOS, and Linux to experience its advanced capabilities. This new Bing AI, enhanced by the integration with ChatGPT, offers Chrome users interactive and personalized search results, elevating the standard browsing experience to new heights.
Extending its reach beyond Edge, the AI chat, known as Bing Chat, is now available on the world's leading browser, Google Chrome, which commands a market share of 77.03% With features such as AI-generated images, topic research, and poetry composition, Bing AI is transforming how users interact with the web, providing tools that cater to a wide array of online activities.