增强器 - 增加音量

增强器 - 增加音量




Volume Booster是一款浏览器扩展,用于控制和提升每个标签页播放的音频音量。



Volume Booster为浏览器添加了声音控制选项。它的主要功能之一是可以单独更改每个标签页的声音。





Volume Booster将最大化地增强你的声音,并随时提供最好的声效质量!在浏览器中播放音乐,并根据耳机或扬声器的情况来调整声效!点击扩展图标来调整声效水平。立即得到一个更通透、功能强大的声效。

✔️ 增加最大声量 - 您可以将浏览器中任何媒体文件的声量放大多达600%。
✔️ 非常易于使用 - 您可以使用浏览器中弹出式滑块来控制任何标签上的声量。
✔️ 无声效失真 - Volume Booster会不断监测当前增益水平,并避免样本失真,从而减少所有明显的声效失真。
✔️ 单击即可快速切换到任何正在进行audio playback 的tab
✔️ 记忆上一个声效设定
✔️ 具有volume control 和tabs list 的时尚popup window Volume Booster extension


我们对可能对你的扬声器或其他audio device 造成任何影响不承担任何责任! 不要在全部声量或带有bass boost 的情况下听太久。这会对你的扬声器有害。明智使用!
Sound Booster-增加音量是您浏览器的终极音频放大器。 使用此方便的扩展程序,您可以控制和增加每个选项卡的音频播放量,最高600%,而无需更改Web浏览器的默认音量或在任何其他浏览器选项卡中影响声音。

扩展程序将声音控制选项添加到浏览器中,从而使您可以分别调整每个选项卡的声音级别。 无论是一个太大的视频还是音频剪辑,您都可以减少音量,也可以通过Sound Booster进行增加 - 增加音量的弹出式滑块。 扩展名的图标随时指示音量级别,因此您乍一看可以轻松看到它。

除了能够控制单个选项卡之外,Sound Booster-增加音量还列出了所有标签,并在其界面中使用音频播放。 单击列表开关立即到“选项卡”,以便您可以控制该选项卡上的音频或其他功能。

随着Sound Booster -Inkl -Inking Volume强大的低音助推器和均衡器功能,您可以最大程度地放大声音,无论您身在何处,都可以获得更好的声音质量! 在浏览器中播放音乐,并将声音,音量主和音频均衡器调整为耳机,或者您想要的扬声器!

✔️通过Sound Booster控制任何选项卡的音量 - 增加浏览器中的弹出式滑块。
✔️没有声音失真 - 声音助推器 - 增加体积不断地监控增益水平并防止样品剪切,从而减少了所有明显的声音扭曲。
✔️简单时尚的弹出窗口供声音助推器 - 增加音量控制和选项卡的列表
✔️警告消息。 关于说话者安全使用大量

请注意,如果视频播放器允许增加自己的音量,则应在使用Sound Booster之前先进行此操作 - 增加音量 注意,因此,在使用此应用程序之前,请确保将原始音量提高到100%。

警告:我们对您的扬声器或其他音频设备可能发生的任何事情不承担任何责任! 不要以完整的声音音量收听,也不要用低音提升,因为这可能对您的扬声器有害; 使用Sound Booster-明智地增加音量! 因此,如今利用这种惊人的声音助推器,音量助推器和均衡器,并享受放大的声音质量而不会失真! 增强音频助推器的音频体验 - 增加音量,是控制和放大声音的终极浏览器扩展程序。 使用此应用程序,您现在可以控制并增加浏览器选项卡中任何音频的音量,而不会对扬声器进行任何失真或伤害。

默认情况下,大多数站点仅提供两个选项来控制音频播放量。 但是,随着声音助推器的增加 - 增加音量,您将获得更多的灵活性和自定义选项。 该应用程序将声音控制选项添加到浏览器中,并允许您单独更改每个选项卡的声音。

您是否要减少过度大声的视频的音量或放大几乎听不到听觉的剪辑的声音, 声音助推器 - 增加体积可让您覆盖。 您可以在不更改Web浏览器的默认音量或在任何其他浏览器选项卡中影响声音的默认音量的情况下提高声音高达600%。

使用此应用程序很容易且直接。 只需单击“播放音频”选项卡中的扩展图标,然后将显示一个音量滑块。 您可以将卷调整到所需的级别,图标将随时显示卷级别以便引用。

Sound Booster之一 - 增加音量的最有用的功能是它可以使用音频列出所有选项卡 在其界面中播放。 这使您可以快速,轻松地在选项卡之间切换,因此您可以根据需要控制每个选项卡上的音频。

使用Sound Booster-增加音量 - 您可以将声音放大到最大值,并在任何地方享受更好的声音质量 你是! 无论您是在浏览器中播放音乐还是观看视频,此应用都可以使您的声音调整到耳机或扬声器的方式。

- 听起来高达600%
- 易于使用的弹出滑块,用于控制音量
- 没有失真或剪辑
- 一键单击在选项卡之间切换
- 回忆起以前的声音设置
- 时尚 带有音量控制和选项卡列表的弹出窗口
- 高卷的安全警告

请注意,如果视频播放器允许增加自己的音量,则应在使用Sound Booster之前先进行此操作 - 增加音量 - 因为此 如果不谨慎使用,应用程序可能会扭曲音频。 在使用此应用程序之前,请务必将原始音量提高到100%。

总而言之,Sound Booster-增加体积是想要将其音频体验提升到一个新级别的任何人的必备浏览器扩展。 明智地使用它,并在所有浏览器选项卡中享受清晰的声音! 您是否厌倦了努力在某些网站上听到音频? 声音助推器 - 增加体积可以节省一天! 这个方便的浏览器扩展程序使您可以控制和增加每个选项卡的音频播放量,从而使您完全控制了聆听体验。

Ge eve的日子仅限于控制音量的两个选项。 使用Sound Booster-增加音量,您可以分别更改每个选项卡的声音,而不会影响Web浏览器或任何其他选项卡的默认音量。 另外,由于能够提高声音高达600%的能力,您将永远不会再错过任何节拍。

使用Sound Booster-增加体积是轻而易举的。 只需单击播放音频的选项卡中的扩展图标,然后将音量滑块调整为您的喜好即可。 该图标将始终显示当前卷级别,因此您可以轻松跟踪您的设置。

,但这不是全部 - 助听器 - 增加体积 - 还具有带有音频播放的所有选项卡的方便列表, 只需单击一次,就可以在它们之间切换。 而且,随着其对增益水平的不断监控和防止声音失真的预防,您可以放心,您的聆听体验每次都会成为一流的。

那么,为什么要满足于低于标准的音质呢? 通过助听器扩大音频 - 立即增加音量! 请记住,在调整音量水平时要谨慎,因为大量或低音提升可能对您的扬声器有害。 声音助推器,音量助推器,音量,声音,音频,低音,均衡器,增加音量,增加声音,放大声音,放大音量,贝斯助推器,音量大师 声音助推器,音量助推器,音量,声音,音频,低音,均衡器,增加音量,增加声音,放大声音,放大音量,贝斯助推器,音量大师 声音助推器,音量助推器,音量,声音,音频,低音,均衡器,增加音量,增加声音,放大声音,放大音量,贝斯助推器,音量大师 声音助推器,音量助推器,音量,声音,音频,低音,均衡器,增加音量,增加声音,放大声音,放大音量,贝斯助推器,音量大师 声音助推器,音量助推器,音量,声音,音频,低音,均衡器,增加音量,增加声音,放大声音,放大音量,贝斯助推器,音量大师 声音助推器,音量助推器,音量,声音,音频,低音,均衡器,增加音量,增加声音,放大声音,放大音量,贝斯助推器,音量大师 声音助推器,音量助推器,音量,声音,音频,低音,均衡器,增加音量,增加声音,放大声音,放大音量,贝斯助推器,音量大师 声音助推器,音量助推器,音量,声音,音频,低音,均衡器,增加音量,增加声音,放大声音,放大音量,贝斯助推器,音量大师 声音助推器,音量助推器,音量,声音,音频,低音,均衡器,增加音量,增加声音,放大声音,放大音量,贝斯助推器,音量大师 A volume booster is a browser extension to control and boost the volume of audio playing per tab.

When you open a site with audio, you get, at the most, two options to control the volume. The operating system provides one option, and it is always available. It changes the volume of the entire web browser, however.

The second option is provided by the browser or the site the audio is playing. You may get individual sound controls or use the browser's muting functionality to mute audio playback.

Volume booster adds sound control options to the browser. One of its main features is that it can change the sound of each tab individually.

If you happen to play a too-loud or barely audible video or audio clip in the browser in a tab, you may use it to either reduce the volume of that tab or boost the sound by up to 600%, all without changing the default volume of the web browser or impacting the sound in any other browser tab.

All you need to do is click on the extension icon in the tab that is playing audio. The extension displays a volume slider that you may use to change the volume. The icon of the extension indicates the volume level at any time so that you see it at first glance.

Boosting works similarly to reducing the volume, only that you don't stop at 100% but can jack the volume up to 600%. The change takes effect immediately so that you may adjust the volume as you see fit.

Another helpful feature is listing all tabs with audio playback in the interface. A click on a listing switches to the tab immediately so that you may control the audio or other functionality on that tab.

Volume Booster will amplify your sound at a maximum and provide you with better sound quality wherever you are!
Play music in your browser and adjust the sound to your headset or speakers just how you want it!
Click on the extension icon to adjust the sound level. You immediately get a more transparent and robust sound.

✔️ Increase volume above maximum - you can amplify up to 600% of the sound of any media files in the browser.
✔️ Very easy to use - you can control the volume of any tab with the popup slider in your browser.
✔️ No sound distortion - volume booster constantly monitors the current gain level and pvents samples from clipping, thus reducing all significant sound distortions.
✔️ Switch to any tab playing audio with just one click
✔️ Remembers pvious sound settings.
✔️ Simple and stylish popup window Volume Booster extension with volume control and list of tabs.

Please note that if the video player allows increasing the volume, you should do it. This app can distort the audio, so you should increase the original volume to 100%.


We are not responsible for anything that might happen to your speakers or another audio device! Do not listen at full sound volume or with a bass boost for too long. This can be harmful to your speakers. Use it wisely!
Sound Booster - Increase Volume is the ultimate audio amplifier for your browser. With this handy extension, you can control and boost the volume of audio playing per tab up to 600%, all without changing the default volume of the web browser or impacting the sound in any other browser tab.

The extension adds sound control options to the browser, allowing you to adjust the sound level of each tab individually. Whether it's a too-loud or barely audible video or audio clip, you can reduce its volume or increase it with Sound Booster - Increase Volume's popup slider. The icon of the extension indicates the volume level at any time so that you can easily see it at first glance.

Besides being able to control individual tabs, Sound Booster - Increase Volume also lists all tabs with audio playback in its interface. A click on a listing switches to the tab immediately so that you may control the audio or other functionality on that tab.

With Sound Booster - Increase Volume's powerful bass booster and equalizer capabilities, you can amplify your sound at a maximum and get better sound quality wherever you are! Play music in your browser and adjust the sound, volume master and audio equalizer to your headset or speakers just how you want it!

✔️ Amplify up to 600% of any media files' sound in your browser.
✔️ Control any tab's volume with Sound Booster - Increase Volume's popup slider in your browser.
✔️ No sound distortion - Sound Booster - Increase Volume constantly monitors gain level and pvents samples from clipping, thus reducing all significant sound distortions.
✔️ Switch to any tab playing audio with just one click
✔️ Remembers pvious sound settings
✔️ Simple and stylish popup window for Sound Booster - Increase Volume with volume control and list of tabs
✔️ Warning message regarding speaker safety when using high volumes

Please note that if the video player allows increasing its own volume, you should do it first before using Sound Booster - Increase Volume as this app can amplify sound and distort audio if used without caution, so make sure to increase original volume up to 100% before using this app.

WARNING: We are not responsible for anything that might happen to your speakers or another audio device! Do not listen at full sound volume or with a bass boost for too long as this can be harmful to your speakers; use Sound Booster - Increase Volume wisely! So take advantage of this amazing sound booster, volume booster and equalizer today and enjoy amplified sound quality without distortion!Boost your audio experience with Sound Booster - Increase Volume, the ultimate browser extension for controlling and amplifying sound. With this app, you can now control and boost the volume of any audio playing in your browser tabs, without any distortion or harm to your speakers.

By default, most sites offer only two options to control the volume of audio playback. But with Sound Booster - Increase Volume, you get more flexibility and customization options. This app adds sound control options to your browser and allows you to change the sound of each tab individually.

Whether you want to reduce the volume of a too-loud video or amplify the sound of a barely audible clip, Sound Booster - Increase Volume has got you covered. You can boost the sound by up to 600% without changing the default volume of your web browser or impacting the sound in any other browser tab.

Using this app is easy and straightforward. Simply click on the extension icon in the tab that is playing audio, and a volume slider will appear. You can adjust the volume to your desired level, and the icon will display the volume level at any time for easy reference.

One of Sound Booster - Increase Volume's most helpful features is its ability to list all tabs with audio playback in its interface. This allows you to switch between tabs quickly and easily, so you can control the audio on each tab as needed.

With Sound Booster - Increase Volume, you can amplify your sound to a maximum and enjoy better sound quality wherever you are! Whether you're playing music in your browser or watching a video, this app lets you adjust the sound to your headset or speakers just how you want it.

Some of its top features include:
- Amplify sound up to 600%
- Easy-to-use popup slider for controlling volume
- No distortion or clipping
- Switch between tabs with one click
- Remembers pvious sound settings
- Stylish popup window with volume control and tab list
- Safety warning for high volumes

Please note that if the video player allows increasing its own volume, you should do it first before using Sound Booster - Increase Volume as this app can distort audio if used without caution. Always increase the original volume up to 100% before using this app.

In conclusion, Sound Booster - Increase Volume is a must-have browser extension for anyone who wants to take their audio experience to the next level. Use it wisely and enjoy crystal-clear sound in all your browser tabs!Are you tired of struggling to hear audio on certain websites? Sound Booster - Increase Volume is here to save the day! This handy browser extension allows you to control and boost the volume of audio playing per tab, giving you complete control over your listening experience.

Gone are the days of being limited to just two options for controlling the volume. With Sound Booster - Increase Volume, you can change the sound of each tab individually, without affecting the default volume of your web browser or any other tabs. Plus, with the ability to boost sound by up to 600%, you'll never miss a beat again.

Using Sound Booster - Increase Volume is a breeze. Simply click on the extension icon in the tab that is playing audio, and adjust the volume slider to your liking. The icon will display the current volume level at all times, so you can easily keep track of your settings.

But that's not all - Sound Booster - Increase Volume also features a convenient list of all tabs with audio playback, allowing you to switch between them with just one click. And with its constant monitoring of gain levels and pvention of sound distortion, you can rest assured that your listening experience will be top-notch every time.

So why settle for subpar sound quality? Amplify your audio with Sound Booster - Increase Volume today! Just remember to use caution when adjusting volume levels, as high volumes or bass boosts can be harmful to your speakers.

评分 4.8
746 位用户参与评分
版本号 1.6
所属类别 娱乐
提供方 Volume Booster
支持语言 印度尼西亚语、马来语、德语、英语、英语(英国)、英语(美国)英语、阿拉伯语、中文(简体)、日本语、한국어
更新时间 2023-08-01 15:32:35
ID ogadflejmplcdhcldlloonbiekhnlopp