Weather Badge
Show Current Weather
Provide the weather info. to end-user.
User can get the weather info. easily in borswing the web.
The application provide the weather info. to end-user in order to let user get the weather info. easily.
The application will show current weather by local address.
And show the temperature on the browser action bar.
@20121210 BH_Lin
本程式提供简易的天气资讯, 让使用者可以在浏览的动作中,方便即可取得现在天气的资讯, 尤其是对家里没有对外窗的人来说,更可以让人更容易取得天气的资讯。
在浏览器的搜寻列右侧上, 会显示天气温度的小图示作为即时的参考, 免去还要进行视窗跳转的动作。更方便使用者作天气查询。
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