WiseStamp email signature

WiseStamp email signature


WiseStamp email signature

支持WiseStamp -
*与您的朋友分享WiseStamp- Facebook, Twitter 或者 Digg。
*使用 贝宝 捐赠(不需要贝宝帐户)

WiseStamp- 为您的Gmail、谷歌应用程序、雅虎mail、Hotmail或AOL等邮件添加更加个性化的邮件签名...✔ 多个可选签名 ✔ 添加 自己在各大社区网站的链接(Twitter,Facebook,Digg,LinkedIn ...)✔ 添加RSS订阅 ✔ 轻松添加Logo标志、HTML和更多内容...立即获得

Have a better translation? Send it to us:
☛ http://bit.ly/NTZzo8


There is a huge opportunity lost every time an email is sent without a person or a company’s brand information.
WiseStamp enables you to share your social profiles and promote information you care about in every email you send.

With WiseStamp you can easily:
✓ Link to your Profiles - Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin, Skype, Gtalk ...
✓ Promote your latest G+, Etsy, Pinterest eBay item, Blog post ...
✓ Share your latest Twitter tweet, Funny Quotes, Green Footers, Legal disclaimers
✓ Add your Company logo, use Multiple signatures and much more....

"They make your email signature “live” with hooks into your social networking tools. Check it out! " - Scobleizer

"looks like WiseStamp will make quite a few people happy" - Lifehacker

Promote what you care about, bring your email to life - Get WiseStamp now !


WiseStamp Supports:
Gmail & Google Apps email, Yahoo Mail, Aol Mail, Outlook .com, Hotmail & Live mail.

• Easy setup & configuration interface
• Personally designed signatures
• Automatic signature insertion
• Sync between computers

IM icons:
Skype, Google Talk, Icq, QQ, MSN, AIM and more..

Social Services:
Amazon, Del.icio.us, DeviantART, Digg, eBay, Facebook Profile & Pages, Flickr, Google buzz, Linkedin, MySpace, Photobucket, Picasa, Quora, Reddit, Slideshare, Stumbleupon, Tumblr, Twitter, Wordpss, Yahoo,Yelp, Youtube and more..Check it out!

Follow us:
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/wisestamp
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/wisestamp

Support- Please submit support inquires via the help link http://help.wisestamp.com (Chrome Gallery comments are less frequently checked and supported)

评分 4
1,591 位用户参与评分
所属类别 生产工具
提供方 www.wisestamp.com
支持语言 印度尼西亚语、德语、英语、英语(英国)、英语(美国)、菲律宾语、法语、斯瓦希里语、荷兰语、挪威语、英国语、土耳其语、加泰罗尼亚语、丹麦语、东方语、西班牙语、西班牙语(拉丁美洲)、赫尔瓦茨基语、意大利语、 latviešu, lietuvių, magyar, polski, português (Brasil), português (Portugal), română, slovenský, slovenščina, suomi, svenska, čeština, Ελληνικά, Српски, български, русский, українська, עברית, मराठी, हिन्दी, বাংলা, ગુજરાતી, Kannada, Kannada, Kannada, Kannada, العربية, 中文 (简体), 中文 (繁体), 旜ꖇ
更新时间 2023-03-01 16:36:52
ID pbcgnkmbeodkmiijjfnliicelkjfcldg