Annotate Jyutping (standard Cantonese romanization) for Chinese characters on web pages. A powerful tool for learning Cantonese. Source of pronunciation data is rime-cantonese: https://github.com/rime/rime-cantonese
本程序开源喺GitHub: https://github.com/CanCLID/inject-jyutping
This add-on is open-sourced on GitHub: https://github.com/CanCLID/inject-jyutping
**Please send any feedback to support@jyutping.org
注意:自从2021年开始,Google Doc 改用基于canvas 慨渲染方式,呢个改动导致咗本程式无法获取Google Doc 入面慨文本,所以冇办法继续同Google Doc 入面慨汉字标注粤拼,对此我哋都无能为力。详情请见:https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2021/05/Google-Docs-Canvas-Based-Rendering-Update.html
Note: Since 2021, Google Doc has changed to canvas-based rendering, meaning this extension can no longer access the text data within Google Doc, therefore unable to annotate Jyutping to the characters in Google Docs any more. There is nothing we can do about it. More details in: https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2021/05/Google-Docs-Canvas-Based-Rendering-Update.html